Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Information
Cashmere Partner: $1,000
“(Your business name here!) presents the Fairport Fiber Festival” will be integrated in all marketing & press releases
Prominent vendor booth – 10’ by 10’ – tent can be provided, if needed
Posting of your logo on all Fairport Fiber Festival social media pages and websites
Your company’s logo will be included on all print materials regarding this event
Additional benefits customizable to your needs
Angora Partners: $500
Vendor booth – 10’ by 10’
Posting of your logo on all Fairport Fiber Festival social media pages and websites
Your company’s logo will be included on all print materials regarding this event
Alpaca Partners: $250
Posting of your logo on all Fairport Fiber Festival social media pages and website
Your company’s logo will be included on all print materials regarding this event
Rambouillet Partners: $100
Posting of your logo on Fairport Fiber Festival social media and website
1/4 page advertisement in participant booklet
Merino Partners: $50
1/8 page advertisement in participant booklet
Sponsor Commitment Form
We will invoice you for your selected sponsorship level. Please make checks payable to the Fairport Foundation, Inc.
The Fairport Foundation, Inc. is an IRS designated 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Your contribution may be tax deductible. Consult your tax professional for applicability.
6 N Main Street · Suite 105 Fairport, NY 14450